Today, with the development of technology, it is easy to get any book you want in the world. The summer vacation is coming, this is an irreplaceable opportunity those who wish to develop or acquire new skills in the world of computers, programming, and the Internet.

We will be sharing more books and courses or their resources on the blog in the future. Of course there are many sites that offer you lessons in the field of computers and its branches, such as programming and networks, and we have talked about some of them in previous topics, and today I offer you a very special site and a real treasure for every book researcher in the field of information technology.
The site that I want to share with you today is called Goalkicker, which is a platform that includes dozens of books in programming, design, networks, algorithms, etc. It contains several free books for most programming languages.
The beautiful thing about these books is that they provide you with all the codes as well as all the methods used in the application clearly, so that you can do such tasks easily and clearly.

The link
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